Jim Dunlop Strap Lock System Reviews 3

These are a pretty effective locking strap attachment. If you have a strap that is really comfortable, but are having a hard time keeping it on the guitar, this is possibly the best thing that you've ever seen. You just need to install the locks into your strap, which the directions will explain quite easily. You also need to make sure that you'... [read more on Audiofanzine]

mooseherman rated this unit 4 on 2010-04-23.

Bought 3 pairs of it for €12 each from musik-produktiv/germany.

It doesnt ruin expensive leather straps like the SCHALLER does...

It is absolutely not safe if used with Les-Paul style guitars! After 1 year of nearly everyday use it was like "worn out" and my Heritage Les-Paul nearly felt to the floor. 1st I thought it was my fault (not locked in completely etc.) but it happened again on several occasions. I replaced the "worn out" lock (always the one on the neck side...) with a new one, but after a while occured the same fault.

Everything seems to be nicely crafted. The construction, however, is not as trustworthy as it seems...

If you have expensive Les-Pauls and are a "moving" player, stay away from this unit as it does not what it used to: lock strap...

tignanello rated this unit 1 on 2003-11-19.

Bought it for like $12 from musicians friend. This is a must have for any guitarist who likes to be active while they play. I know I do!

Easy to install, easy to use, and you NEVER have to worry about grabbin onto that axe and jumping around!

No complaints...that simple.

Built like a rock, should last you forever.

If you like to have fun and move around while playing, but dont want to have to worry about the strap slipping off when you move around, this is a must have.

x_out86 rated this unit 5 on 2003-07-10.

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